Smile. Be kind. Hug a tree . . . If you missed a previous post, visit my archive.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Planted a new garden, today. Hydrangea and Hostas. To me, sitting around a beautiful garden with a book or my writing is the best. Birds come and go, a rabbit may hope by and my chimes sing a tune with each breeze. Spring and summer bring new life to our backyards and gardens. I had intended to plant a tomato plant, but decided to support the local farmers market and buy theirs.

A friendly reminder, don't forget the trees. Take a minute to appreciate what they do for our environment.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"What's Your Style"

Take the old and make it new. Set your writing apart with a twist and give your reader a fresh new surprise. Your personal writing style should reflect what interest you. Let your reader know, it's you.

Happy Writing,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Has anyone hugged, patted or even walked by a tree this week? Let me guess, you've been too busy.
Well, how about a stroll in your backyard. I'm sure there's a tree waiting for you to say "Hello, tree.
How are you today? Trees are so important to our environment. Please take the time today, tomorrow or this week to say "Hello, tree. How are you, today?

Remember, think "green"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Series Books

If you like series books, go to your library and look up the series," The Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel. They were published back in the early eighties. They are an excellent read.

Also, if you've never read Ken Follett's books you've miss a really good read. Start with his "Pillars of the Earth then his follow up "World Without End "They're an epic of fourteenth century England.

Happy Reading,


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Posting a link in a blog posting

This is my sons photography web site.

Check it out...


"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."

Ben Franklin

Good advice for all who like the life of writing.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Authors!!! Authors!!!

A meet and mingle with local authors at the Beaumont Library, Sat. 5/22/10, 3-5. Harry Levine, Evelyn Christensen and Martha Bennett Stiles.

Come and join our celebration on writing.

Hope to see you there,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A face for "Magdalena"

Magdalena's writing tip of the day is "EMPATHY"

Make your reader care about your hero. With empathy we begin to feel characters emotions. We begin to care and root for them. Choose strong nouns and verbs to push that hero forward, and let their drama unfold with each turn of the page. Remember: It's not the destination, but the journey.

All my best,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!!!!!!! I know I did. It boils down to family and friends being together.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Health Tip of the Day:

I answered this wrong. I thought the pie would be the highest in fat, but it's not. Carrot Cake is the right answer. I guess it's the carrots. You have to be careful. These desserts are tricky.

Catch you later,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Tip From My Muse: Magdalena

Not sure what a muse is? The Oxford English Dictionary says,

"In Greek and Roman mythology each of nine goddesses who preside over the arts and sciences. A woman, or source of inspiration for a creative artist."


For a interesting read, your antagonist needs to be as bad as your protagonist is good. . .

Happy writing,


Monday, May 3, 2010

Links on my Mac

Thanks for visiting today, Ben. I love this little machine. I do need some help. I would like to link my Facebook and blog with each other. Do you know how to do that?.

Sorry, I've not been to the meetings. I've been going to a lot of the Carnegie Centers workshops on most Sat. Hope I've not missed much.

Just had my first rejection from an agent. One of many to come, I'm sure. I wasn't to up set. I guess I know this is only a process. Just keep writing and sending the stories out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"What's the deal with all this rain. I know I said I liked rain on my Facebook the other day, but man this is way to much. People are dead in Tenn. Our new flower garden is about to be washed away.

Read something about author intrusion today. Pretty good stuff. If a writer intrudes on the reader
as he/she reads, the magical spell is broken. The relationship between the two disappears. Never address the reader, if you do you may loose them and your story is place back on the shelf.

Hang in there with this rain, folks,


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bought a Mac today!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's great. I usually write with pen in hand then transfer over to the keys. My hubby has been after me to get one for sometime. It was the cost. But, boy, I'm so glad I did. Once I learn, Mr. Mac, and all his features, I'll be good to go.

On another subject, can anyone help me out? I'm looking for a horse book. Fiction or non-fiction. It doesn't matter.