I agree with Trollope. I am passionate about books. I'm obsessive with my books. So obsessive that my bookshelves resemble a library with categories: fiction top shelf, non-fiction lower shelf, picture books middle shelf, etc., etc., etc. (What can I say, I like organization.) Sometimes, I am reading three or four different books at the same time. I love the way a book feels in my hand. I love the anticipation of each new chapter. I love the feel a my finger turning the page. The times and places my books have taken me are many. A journey I appreciate.
Surrounding myself with books is magical and joyful. On a rainy day, a good book can become your best friend.
Abraham Lincoln once wrote, "My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read."
It's not buying or borrowing books that make a book lover, it is reading books.
Happy Reading!