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Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Book Lovers"

"Book lovers. It will make your hours pleasant as long as you live." (A. Trollope)

I agree with Trollope. I am passionate about books. I'm obsessive with my books. So obsessive that my bookshelves resemble a library with categories: fiction top shelf, non-fiction lower shelf, picture books middle shelf, etc., etc., etc. (What can I say, I like organization.) Sometimes, I am reading three or four different books at the same time. I love the way a book feels in my hand. I love the anticipation of each new chapter. I love the feel a my finger turning the page. The times and places my books have taken me are many. A journey I appreciate.

Surrounding myself with books is magical and joyful. On a rainy day, a good book can become your best friend.

Abraham Lincoln once wrote, "My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read."

It's not buying or borrowing books that make a book lover, it is reading books.

Happy Reading!


Friday, February 25, 2011

"Reader Questions"

How does a reader unravel characters, action, plot, and theme in a good book? Or do you have to understand why you read a book? Maybe, but not necessarily true. I think a good book is for reading. I don't favor dissecting a book to death. I favor the joy of the read. Some stories are less satisfying than others. That's the nature of the beast. But, something happens inside when you read a really good book. It's characters, action, plot and theme haunts you long after you have placed the book back on the bookshelf.

If a book leaves you the same after you finish the last page, then you are no different for having read it. I would hope by reading a memorable book, I would reread it some day or share the book with a friend.

How do you feel after reading a book? Or should books change its reader?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Jane Austen"

Jane Austen (1775-1817) started writing when she was twenty-one years old and died when she was forty-one. She lived her whole life in the circle of her family in the parish where her father ministered and had no contact with the London literary world. Yet, she is considered by many to be the greatest woman novelist of the English-speaking world. Her novels are largely novels of manners; no earth-shaking events take place, but this allows her characters' lives to stand out in bold relief so that they translate well into today's world and seem as vital as ever. Her insights into the human heart regarding love-romantic, family and God's role in our daily lives still span the centuries. Her satirical wit creates some very funny characters. She finds comedy in everyday occurrences of life and relationship. Some are tragically funny like Mrs. Bennet with her hysterics and constant whining. While she sometimes uses biting irony, Austin descriptions of eighteenth-century culture remind us that we also have rules, pitfalls and comedy in our own ways of relating.
(M. Hunt)

A great writer to read and study. At such a young age, Jane knew creating characters' that grabbed the readers heart-string, would capture her books forever more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Master of the Universe"

The Master of the Universe, has assigned different peoples to different times and different places, so that all of us may behold the beauty of our world with our various stations and view points. The Universe, has implanted in each of us a 'special love' for our own country and our own beliefs. Our diverse habitations and interpretations, enable us to piece together our fragmentary ideas into our own truths. This truth is the lesson each one of us has to learn in his or her own life's journey. And whatever truth you find along your way will guide you towards your eternal truth.



Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Kristen Lamb's Bog

Hey, fellow writers. If your not a follower of Kristen's Lamb's Blog, you're missing out on valuable info for your writing life. It's like taking an on-line class 'free' What a bargain. Not much left free these days. If you're timid about Facebook or blogging, check out her book "We Are Not Alone" It's a book about social media and how we writers can build our platform. I have it. I love it. A great addition to any writers library. Also, check out Who Dares Wins Publishing. They're running workshops for a bargain price of $20.00. They started in January and I think they're running through May or June. Kristen will have her workshop in March. Again, visit Kristen. You'll be glad you did.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Four Paws"

Dogs teach us to . . .

Take plenty of walks and naps
Drink lots of water
Don't think too much
Never bite the hand that feeds you
Make friends with everyone in the neighborhood
Don't go for a run without your I.D.
Make people you love feel welcome when they come home

Animals are such agreeable friends; they ask no questions and pass no criticisms.(G.Eliot)

It would be wonderful if I could become the person that Smudge and Sophie think I am.
