However, I will confess, I did read Ken Follett's epic story: Pillars of the Earth and his follow-up World Without End. Loved the story. Connected with the characters. But thought it would never . . . never end. I was exhausted by the last page. Almost gave up on the story once or twice.
Now, with the Harry Potter books, I read all seven. I never once felt bogged down with too much backstory. I couldn't wait for the next one. Why? Because J.K. Rowling is a master of keeping her story moving forward. Backstory was kept to a bare minimum. That's the kind of writing that keeps me reading.
Epic's or quicker reads. Either way, I'm glad we readers have both. Having a choice is a good thing. What do you like to write? Would you like to write an epic? If so, share your thoughts.
I was able to read epics when I was single/no kids, but these days, it has to move along pretty quickly to keep me reading!