Hey all. It's that time of year again when we start thinking about planting those little seeds. It's a good thing, I don't get manicures this time of year, because it would be a waste of my money. I love planting and watching my seeds grow.
Below is a photo of my lily and mum garden from last season.
"Happy Growing Season to you!"
How does it know, this little seed,
if it is to grow to a flower or weed,
if it is to be a vine or shoot or
grow to a tree with a long deep root?
A seed is so small, where do you
suppose it stores up all of the things it knows?
The love is spreading to me and to you.
Hearts are opening wide.
Sun warms the earth, we all are flowers.
The love starts deep inside. (uu.org/tapestry)
"Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
how does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells,
and pretty maids all in a row
(Mother Goose)
In my garden there is a large
place for sentiment. My garden
of flowers is also my garden of
thoughts and dreams. The thoughts
grow freely as the flowers and the
dreams are as beautiful
(Abram L. Urban)
Who loves a garden, finds
within his soul life's whole
He hears the anthem of the soil
while ingrates toil and see
beyond his little sphere the
waving fronds of heaven, clear
(Louise S. Jones)
Make the world a better place.
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